After you have paid for your ad package, please fill out the "Order Form" below to complete the advertisement ordering process.
Complete all the information requested on the form then click submit.
Once your payment has been confirmed, we will process your order as soon as possible. PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE EMAIL ADDRESS THAT YOU USE IS VALID AND CAN RECEIVE OUR NOTIFICATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS!!
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* Additional fees may apply! See individual prices at every payment system.
It is essential that you return to this page, after you have paid, to submit the ad - we cannot process the Ad/Upgrade without this form being completed.
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Members online: 2 Guests online: 23 This site is owned and operated by: Dawn S. aka Laf384 as of Feb 17 2018
Site Launched: January 31st 2015
Site Designed by Cathryn aka LadyMawwad
Header and Banners by Carol aka buzzy028